Thank you for visiting the website of Valiant Baptist Church

We extend a warm welcome for you to join us for an upcoming service!  Please take a moment to look around our website; we have many resources that we think you will enjoy.

Valiant Baptist is a New Testament Christian Church striving together to bring glory to God. We seek to impact Jacksonville through the preaching of the gospel and God’s Word; beginning with our city, Valiant aims to fulfill the great commission: convert, baptize, and disciple. VBC also provides a place for Christians to worship, fellowship, and encourage one another in the faith, showing grace and love as we grow together in Christ.

Please Like, Subscribe, and Consider Donating:



Pastor Tyler Baker and Family


3661 Crown Point Court

Jacksonville, FL 32257


Service Times

 Coffee and Donuts: 10:00am (1st Sunday of the month)

Sunday Morning Service: 10:30am

Wednesday Evening Bible Study: 7:00pm

Valiant Baptist is a Family Integrated Church, meaning, children and infants are always welcome in the church service. If needed, we have a comfortable Mother/Baby room for you.


 We look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming services!

Thank you for visiting the website of Valiant Baptist Church!