What We Believe

VBC Statement of Faith

 I. We believe that there is one God the Father, from whom are all things; that he is the I AM, meaning, the eternal source and creator of all that exists and ever will, material and immaterial; that God is a Spirit, immaterial in nature; that He is in character, perfect, holy, righteous, just, longsuffering, merciful, gracious.

[1 Corinthians 8:6, John 4:24, Exodus 34:6]


 II. That man was created in God’s image, and thus good and upright; that man was in a sinless state in the garden of Eden; yet through man’s transgression, he and the world he was given dominion over fell into the curse and death; that man is still in God’s image, nonetheless a fallen version of the image of God, which is in need of redemption; consequently, all men that are born of their father Adam are born with a sinful nature (also known as Original Sin); that all children dying in infancy or youth, having not yet sinned against the law in their own persons are only subject to the first death.

[Genesis 1:31, Ecclesiastes 7:29, Genesis 3]


III. That there is one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, who is the eternal Word of God; the only begotten Son of God, born of the virgin Mary; who came of the seed of David, being truly man, and truly God; whom God sent to be a propitiation for the sin of the world.

[1 Corinthians 8:6, John 1:14, Matthew 1:23, John 1:1, 1 Timothy 3:16, 1 John 2:2]


IV. That the Holy Bible, containing sixty-six books, was given by inspiration of God (God-breathed); not merely the product of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost; therefore, as the Word of God, perfectly inerrant and infallible (that is to say, without error).

[2 Timothy 3:16,  2 Peter 1:21-22]


V. That scripture, meaning, every word, has been providentially preserved to all generations; namely, in the traditional text of the Church throughout history (known as the Received Text or Textus Receptus), and can be found today in the King James Bible for English speaking people.

[Isaiah 59:21, Psalm 12:6-7]


VI. That scripture is the ultimate authority and rule of faith and practice for all saints; that scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, that by it man may be perfect, and thoroughly furnished to all good works.

[2 Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 4:4]


VII. That salvation is by grace through faith alone, not of works; that is to say, salvation is not obtained or earned by one’s good deeds (including baptism, church attendance, keeping of God’s commandments, etc.); rather being saved is solely based on trusting in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.

[Romans 3:28, Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 16:30-31]


VIII. That the believer is preserved and eternally secure in Jesus Christ (referred to as, The Eternal Security of the Believer); therefore, once one is saved, they are always saved, and thus cannot lose their salvation.

[John 10:28, John 5:24, Romans 8:35-39]


IX. That all who believe the gospel are commanded to be baptized; that baptism is to be the first good and acceptable work of man following his salvation, serving as a symbol of the death, burial, and resurrection; thus proper and acceptable baptism is by immersion.

[Acts 8:36-38, Acts 19:5, Romans 6:3-5]


X. That there is one holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father and of Christ; the gift of God to all who trust in Christ; thereby saints are sanctified, transformed, comforted, guided, and taught by God; through God’s Spirit the gifts are given to the Church; sealing all believers until the day of redemption; that the Holy Spirit is not just a force or power, but personal.

[Ephesians 4:4, John 14:16, John 16:13, Ephesians 4:30]


XI. That the one God exists in trinity; that the Godhead is revealed as three persons: the Father, the Son (the Word), and the Holy Ghost; that each Person of the trinity is fully God (co-existing, co-eternal, co-equal); that the Persons of the Trinity are distinct in eternal relations of origin; that, although there is a distinction within the Godhead, scripture teaches there is, “the mind of the Lord” (singular) and not “minds” (plural); we reject the Mormon doctrine that each member possesses a distinct body; we reject the teaching of Partialism, that is, each member compromises a part of God, thereby coming together to make up the one God; we reject Polytheism, the belief that there is more than one God; we reject the teaching of Oneness, namely, the denial of the trinity and the three Persons of the Godhead.

[1 John 5:7, John 1:1, Genesis 1:26, 1 Corinthians 2:16]


XII. That God is sovereign over all creation; that God is not the author of sin, nor wills it, yet in spite of man’s sin, God uses all things according to His will, thereby working all things out for good; that the doctrine of the sovereignty of God does not at all negate man’s freewill, personal accountability, or moral culpability; that God by His sovereignty works through man’s freewill to bring about His own purposes; we deny the teachings of Limited Atonement and Irresistible Grace.

[Romans 8:28, Matthew 10:29, James 4:15,  Isaiah 10:6-7, Job 1:21]


XIII. That Christ established the New Testament Church; that Christian churches are to be autonomous: meaning, self-governing and independent; that Christ’s church has Jesus himself, and the word of God, as its head; that the pastor is the human leader, who also submits to the word of God and Christ; that the purposes of the Church are to fulfil the great commission and edify and build up the body of Christ; we reject any leader who attempts to usurp the authority of Christ, e.g., Pope, Prophet, President, a Board of Elders, or Board of Directors.

[Acts 14:23, Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:1-3]


XIV. That there will be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust; that all who believe in Christ will be changed in a moment and a twinkling of an eye, whereby their corruptible, natural body will be transformed into an incorruptible, imperishable, eternal body; that the damned will be resurrected in their earthly body, and subsequently cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death.

[Daniel 12:2, Acts 24:15] 


XV. That Jesus Christ will physically return to the earth; that at Christ’s Second Advent He will judge the quick and the dead; that Christ’s coming will be post-millennial.

[2 Timothy 4:1, 1 Corinthians 15:23-28]


XVI. That Heaven is real and literal, not just symbolic; that the saved upon death will depart from earth and dwell in Heaven with Christ until resurrection of the just; that after final judgment, New Jerusalem will descend to earth, whereby earth will finally be restored to perfection and peace; that saints with Christ will inherit the earth forever.

[Isaiah 6, Revelation 4, 1 Kings 22:19]


XVII. That Hell is real and literal, not merely symbolic or figurative; that the unjust will spend eternity tormented in Hell and the Lake of Fire, which is the second death; that God isn’t willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; we reject the doctrine of Annihilationism, which teaches that Hell is temporary punishment and the damned cease to exist.

[Mark 9:43-48, Luke 16:22-24, Revelation 14:10, Revelation 20:10, Revelation 20:14-15]


XVIII. That Satan, or the Devil, is the archenemy of God and mankind; that Satan is not figurative, or only symbolic, but literal and personal; that Satan was created perfect, but fell through the sin of pride; that Satan will ultimately be condemned to eternal torment in Hell and the Lake of Fire. 

[Revelation 12:9-10, Job 1:6, Ezekiel 28:15, Revelation 20:10]


XIX. We believe that abortion is murder and oppose all forms of birth control that end life after conception.

[Genesis 1:28, Jeremiah 1:5]


XX. That the modern Charismatic movement is apostate and not of God.

[Acts 2:8, 1 Corinthians 14:33]


XXI. That marriage is an institution of God, and not merely a human convention; that real, true marriage is between one man and one woman; that any deviation from such is a perversion of God’s design and creation; that homosexuality, beastiality, pedophilia, polygamy, etc., are all deviant and sexually perverse; that there are only two genders – male and female.

[Genesis 2:24, Leviticus 18:22-23, Genesis 1:27]r